Beyond Kids in Classrooms: What Impact Looks Like at Village Impact

It goes beyond classrooms…

With your support, Village Impact is working with families, their communities, grassroots NGO partners and local government to remove the barriers to quality education for children in conflict-affected communities in rural Kenya.

Together, we’re building a future where all young people enjoy equal access to resources and opportunities in society and live free from violence, discrimination, and exploitation.

You’re helping to fuel the work transforming lives for people like Benard, a graduate of Village Impact primary and secondary schools who is now pursuing a career in teaching himself.

And Maurine, a mom of five, who is currently attending school alongside her children as she pursues her dream of becoming a nurse.

And Jacqueline, a Grade 9 student attending the first high school constructed in her community, in the building her mom Marion helped to build.

We follow the lead of our grassroots partners on the ground – local heroes with a deep understanding of their communities needs and culture.

You make all of this possible. Thank you. 

