Our First Student’s Entrepreneurship Summit

After rigorous months of planning, the long awaited finally arrived:

We were hosting our 12th grade students from all three of our high schools for our first ever Students Entrepreneurship Summit!

A “Heaven on Earth” kind of day.

Our main objectives were to coach our students on life after their final examinations, and impart entrepreneurial knowledge to impact the communities which our schools are based by aiding in economic growth.

Entrepreneurship is an important subject to our students as most of them lack the high grades needed to enroll them in universities and colleges, and others fall short of funds to help them enroll in our local technical institutions. We also addressed underlying issues of self-confidence and limiting beliefs which affect many students by collaborating with Kenya Motivational Speakers, a local company with vast experience in student welfare.

The Students Entrepreneurship Summit kicked off with the Kenya Motivational Speakers. They engaged the whole room into dance and laughter before calling upon the first speaker. What really stood out was the interactive way in which the speaker engaged our students and the relevancy he brought on his talk on limiting beliefs. It was very evident that he had our students full attention.

Our First Student's Entrepreneurship Summit

After a delicious mid-morning tea, we entered our second session. This speaker (who could be easily described as the best dancer in the group) spoke about life after the 12th grade. He gave examples from his personal life, showing our students that they could be anything they wanted to be if they could indeed put their heart and skills on their prowess. He encouraged them to nurture their talents so as to bring out the best in you.

The third speaker talked about entrepreneurship and business after high school. This talk focused on teaching our students ways in which they can identify opportunities and start profitable ventures within their different communities.

It’s needless to say that the day would not have been the same without the preparation of a delicious five course meal over our lunch break.

Afterwards our lectures, we engaged in interactive outdoor team activities and then gave the students time to interact with each other before calling it a day.

Our First Student's Entrepreneurship Summit

Our First Student's Entrepreneurship Summit

Even a week later, our students did not shy away from giving us positive feedback on their experiences, most of them regarded it as a “Heaven on Earth” kind of a day.

Others wished it could have gone a little longer…

We are so grateful for all the stakeholders who made this day memorable. To our donors we couldn’t have done it without you!!!

You transformed the lives of our students, and these students will transform their communities!

Phil, Field Rep
